Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can't access my documents folder of my username on concrete drive of outmoded laptop that died?? Help!!!?

My laptop died. I bought an external usb birdcage for the hard drive. I can access every folder on the drive except the my documents folder for my username. I be the primary account on the computer. How do I carry access to this folder?


Chekc this link
Try booting that frozen drive off a bootable O/S resembling Linux Knoppix, or Bart PE. Knoppix can be downloaded for free as an .iso and burned onto CD. Once you do that within will be an icon on the desktop call hd1 (hard drive 1) from there browse to hd1 -> docuements and setting -> your user dub -> my documents

Good Luck
If you had a password on your user report and protected your files from others looking at them then you cant access them from another device without removing the password first, first boot the drive and remove the password, if you cant do that then you will own to find a software program that removes passwords, there are plenty on the internet but they arent other user friendly . . .
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