Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Changing DVD region on my laptop?

I moved final to the UK from Florida and bought my laptop with me. My sound out is can I change the region setting so that I can play UK DVD's. Its locked out to the US region at the momnet.



I found this utility to work all right (didn't change my hardware which with the sole purpose allows you to do so a very restricted number of times): http://www.dvd43.com/
Well I dont believe you can change it as its the hardware so if you get a disc drive from the uk then probably you could but otherwise I ponder its nearly impossible.
All modern PC movie software and DVD drives have built-in DRM (Digital Rights Management)

You entail to research the on-going battle between users (who seem to be to believe they are entitled to play anything they buy) and the major content providers (such as Sony) who in fact own the material and believe they are entitled to control how/who can replay the movies for ever.

Typically you can move the Region 3 times on the DVD Drive (using a software utility) - after that it locks up.

Modified Micro-code is available for some drives that removes this limit.

All Software Players (except Open Source) also enjoy built in DRM that prevents Region switching, however that is to say easier to overcome.
how to deal with friends

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