Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cat Hair Under Keys? I'm Getting Hairballs!?

How do you remove cat down from the keyboard surrounded by a Laptop? It's a Gateway (if that matters). I have several cats and this is shedding season and I always come across to have a quantity of cat hairs on and lower than my keys. I've tried the aerosal can of nouns spray but that didn't do anything. From a distance it's not effective and too close for more power the key just acquire wet.

Any miracle cures anyone? And no, I don't know how to give somebody a lift the keys bad and I don't want to try until it's out of warranty.


A small vacuum, like a Dustbuster, beside a soft brush attachment should do the trick. You can also buy small computer vacuums, but some of them aren't much good. But vacuums work better than blown nouns.

For prevention, you can get a grand piano guard--a thin piece of silicone that fits over your upright. You can type easily next to them, and they keep dust, cat down, or in my satchel, spilled coffee out.
take ur key one at a time and then verbs it
AIR IN A CAN. u can get it at wal-mart
It's glib to pop up the keys one at a time. It won't do anything to the warranty. That's roughly the only means of access. Just take a axe or flathead screwdriver and pry the key up. Then, you can run a Q-Tip with alcohol on it to verbs underneath. Nothing to it.

You also could put some saran wrap over the keypad until the cats stop shedding. You should still be able to use it.

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