Wednesday, September 15, 2010

can u replace key on laptops?

hey i dont no how but my c knob on my laptop has broke and i be wondring if u can replace these keys


ably i dont know if you know this but you can pull any of the key off and snap them final on. all you hold to do is push it up or to the side reaal hard or procure your nail lower than it and pull up. Once you draw from the key sour thats broke then possibly u can pop a key bad that you dont use and write a c on it and pop it on where the c be.

i hope that helped.

if you can find an frail keyboard or something you could filch the c of of that one and put it on yourse too
Yes, you can replace them. Just contact your vendor, or another computer store within your area.
yes, on most. Some breed us change the entire upright. What brand, like engender and model?
Yes, you need a radial cutter and a welder though.
On most laptops the answer is 'no'. You own to buy a new grand piano. Depends how badly you broke it... you may be capable of stick it back on / you may be capable of get a exotic keycap from somewhere (some companies sell replacement keycaps for different country layouts).

Otherwise look on ebay... you'll probably find someone sellign a baby grand for you laptop that you can either use or attack for the broken keycap.

If you broke the bit the keycap fits on you'll need a unsullied keyboard.

Of course you can turn back to the originator / dealer for a fresh keyboard but ultimate time I did that it cost lb100 from Dell and they stopped selling tehm 3 years after the model was superceded.

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